God Still Does Miracles

In March of 2002 my wife Barb started complaining of very severe headaches. The doctor sent her for a CT scan, which showed a small lesion on her brain. An MRI confirmed a 1 cm lesion within the right anterior putamen. A second MRI taken two months later confirmed the lesion determining that it was inoperable yet benign. We were so relieved that it was not cancerous, still the severity of the headaches and the uncertainty of what lay ahead concerned us. We were determined that no matter what waited for us, we would maintain a tight hold on the Lord.

During that year we received a call to become the pastor of Connaught Heights Pentecostal Assembly. The Lord confirmed to our hearts that this was indeed of him and we moved. As we visited with our new congregants, our hearts were thrilled as many recounted stories of God’s miraculous touch in their lives. Barb certainly needed such a touch in her life as well. The headaches were getting worse and the medication made her feel loopy. A few times she tried to go off the medication, but the pain would drive her back to the only relief she could find.

Then one Sunday, a special speaker was at the church and asked those who had a need for healing to come to the front. As Barb stood at the front of the church, worshipping the Lord, she felt God powerfully touch her! No one was praying for her at the time, she wondered if God had indeed healed her. That week she tried to go off of her medication, and to her great joy there were no headaches. She prayed, “Lord, if you have touched me, could you arrange for my follow-up MRI to be sooner.”

A few weeks later she was asked to come in early. The MRI found that there was a shadow of something and two years later the MRI dated May 2005 found that “the subtle increase in signal intensity in the anterior right putamen is barely visualized. The finding is non-specific.” The doctor’s have not called it a miracle, but we believe it is! Barb does not have to go for any more MRI tests, she does not get those headaches anymore and she is functioning normally. We are so grateful to God for His mighty touch and can say both experientially and doctrinally that God can and does heal today. Glory be His name!

- Pastor Dan Eagle