It seems that with each passing day we receive news of another person who has come down with symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus (Covid19). As a result many people have been gripped by fear. We are hearing of community events being cancelled, stores selling out of hand sanitizer and people avoiding public places.
Even the food banks are reporting far fewer people visiting them lately.
May I encourage you to remember what Paul said to Timothy—2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
First, God has given us a spirit of power. As believers we have the tremendous privilege of being able to bring our requests to God in prayer! We can pray for the scientist who are working tirelessly to find a vaccine as well as a treatment for this virus. We can pray protection upon the medical staffs who are treating those infected. We can pray for healing for those who are sick and for continued health for those who have not yet been touched by this virus.
Second, God has given us a spirit of love. This love might compel us to volunteer to deliver food or supplies to those who find themselves quarantined. Or it might simply mean that when we are experiencing cold-like symptoms we will remain at home to make sure that we don’t pass what we have along to others.
Medical authorities tell us that symptoms of Covid19 have included: fever, headache, cough, sore throat and even difficulty breathing. If you are experiencing cold/flu like symptoms, it would be wise to follow up with your family doctor.
For now, there is no specific treatment for most people with coronavirus infection.
However, most people with common coronavirus illness will recover on their own. One’s health care provider may recommend steps one can take to relieve symptoms.
Lastly, God has given us a sound mind. So while we don’t have to live in fear, we can be mindful of the ways we can minimize our chances of contracting the virus. The most common way is to wash one’s hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
It has been recommended that people avoid close contact with anyone who appears to be sick. May I suggest that for the next while we refrain from shaking hands and extend a warm smile and greeting instead. Some prefer to tap elbows, but a smile can work nicely as well!
At this point I am not too concerned about our public gatherings. I pray that the Lord will allow us to exhibit a spirit of power, and of love and of wisdom so that we won’t be gripped by a spirit of fear!